【同义词辨析】 2019-06-19 一个温顺无力悲惨可怜的受害人(5小组一起记)

(1) 温顺
tame: implies a lack of independence and spirit that permits or results from domination by others: a friendship that rendered her uncharacteristically ~.   (dominate主宰支配主导to control or have a lot of influence.如as a child he was dominated by his father他小时候由父亲主宰一切, 如he denied that his country wants to dominate Europe他否认他的国家想要控制欧洲)

subdued: generally implies a loss of vehemence, intensity, or force and may suggest the quietness or meekness of one dependent, chastised, or timorous: a meek, subdued attitude. vehement特指人的感情反应强烈implies strong feeling or reaction,如her voice was low but vehement她的声音低沉但强烈富有激情,如vehement criticism猛烈批评) (intense泛指强烈to a high degree,不仅指人而且指物,如intense heat/blue/life/pain/longing/person/study热/蓝/紧张的生活/痛/强烈的渴望/感情丰富的人/深入的研究) (meek温顺,温和平静,有时表示过度顺从implies mildness or gentleness and sometimes undue submissiveness,如on the surface she seemed meek, rather insipid表面上她似乎温顺,相当乏味,如the refugees were meek and grateful whatever they got难民表现温顺,对得到的任何东西都表示感谢 )  (chastise批评体罚implies either corporal punishment or verbal censure or denunciation,如chastised his son for neglecting his studies训斥他的儿子忽略了功课)

submissive: implies the state of mind of one who has yielded his or her will to control by another and who unquestioning obeys or accepts: ~ to authority.

tame驯服温顺: 指缺乏independent精神,允许被人支配,subdued柔弱的制伏的: 指丧失之前的强烈力量,如因为依赖怯懦训斥而安静温顺,submissive顺从: 指放弃个人意志无条件接受服从他人

记忆方法: 1)温顺的意思是听话好管理不能施行自己的意志mean docilely tractable or incapable of asserting one's will. docile听话的,指容易控制引导的性格implies a predisposition to submit readily to control or guidance,如a docile child who never caused trouble一个听话的孩子从不惹事,其中predisposition表示倾向) (tractable好管的,表示易于管理操控suggests having a character that permits easy handling or managing,如Indian elephants are more tractable than their African cousins印度象比它们的非洲兄弟好管理

(2) 无力

powerless: denotes merely lack of power or efficacy which is often temporary or relative to a specific purpose or situation: claimed he was ~ to make the change.

impotent: implies powerlessness coupled with persistent weakness or complete ineffectiveness: stormed about in ~ rage.

powerless无力: 仅仅指临时的或相对的缺乏力量效力,impotent虚弱无力: 指长期虚弱完全无效力

记忆方法: 1)无力的意思是没有能力实现目标目的mean unable to effect one's purpose, intention, or end.   purpose,intention,end都是表示目标目的,其中intention泛指,purpose强调决心意志stresses determination and resolution,end有和手段相对的意思in contrast to the means,在2018-01-18 目标intention-goal组

(3) 悲惨
miserable: implies that a person is in a state of misery that may arise in extreme distress of body or mind or in pitiable poverty or degradation: looked ~, with eyes red and swollen from crying; in reference to things, it suggests such meanness or inferiority or unpleasantness that it arouses utter dislike or disgust in the observer: what ~ weather.   雨果Hugo在《悲惨世界Les Miserables》中控诉了法国大革命时期的社会,试图找出人们悲惨生活的根源,找到摆脱悲惨生活的道路。他认为有人是良心的奴隶,有人是欲望的奴隶,有人是法律规则的奴隶,我们必须同时兼顾这三点,找到合理的比例,就能得到满足和幸福

wretched: stresses the unhappiness or despondency of a person exposed to a grave distress, such as want, grief, oppression, affliction, or anxiety: ~ survivors of the terrible flood; applied to things, it stresses extreme or deplorable badness: made a life as best as they could in their ~ hovel.   deplore强烈而悲痛地反对谴责implies strong objection and sorrowful condemnation regarding the loss or impairment of something of value,如deplores the bad manners of today's young people强烈反对当下年轻人没有礼貌,如to deplore violence/killing反对暴力/谴责凶杀,解释中deplorable不表示谴责只是表示很差)   (despondent不仅失望而且绝望,因为已经无可挽救,如despondent after the death of his father父亲去世后他陷入绝望)

miserable悲惨: 表示人的身体或心理极端痛苦卑微贫穷,或表示某物低劣令人不喜欢,wretched悲惨: 表示人悲哀绝望,遭受严重痛苦如贫穷饥饿悲伤压抑焦虑折磨,表示物时指东西极差

记忆方法: 1)悲惨的意思是境况可悲或可鄙mean deplorably or contemptibly bad or mean.  

(4) 可怜
pitiful: applies especially to what excites pity or sometimes commiseration because it is felt to be deeply pathetic: a long line of ~ refugees; but it can also apply to what excites pitying contempt: a ~ excuse.   pity同情,指因为他人的痛苦而温柔体恤感到难过implies tender sympathy or sorrow for one in distress,其中sympathy也是同情是同情的基础词,泛指从兴趣爱好相近直到同心同德,如he felt a tender pity for her他为她感到温柔同情)(pathetic可怜的,表示既可怜又让人轻视implies what arouses both pity and contempt,如pathetic attempts to justify gross negligence可怜的狡辩,为严重疏忽找借口) (commiserate"表达"同情的to express sympathy,这里用这个词强调表达同情而不只是感到同情,如when I lost, he commiserated with me我落败的时候,他向我表达同情

piteous: implies not so much the effect on the observer as the quality in the thing that may excite the pity: heard from afar their ~ cries for help.

pitiable: otherwise very close to pitiful, almost always implies a contemptuous commiseration, though contempt may be weakly or strongly connoted: faced a weak, ~ resistance from the opposition party.  (注意connotedenote意思不同connote does not mean the same as denote. denote的某词字面的主要的意思denote refers to the literal, primary meaning of something; connote的是该词暗示的意思connote refers to other characteristics suggested by that thing. 例如可以说'母亲'指denotes父母中的女子thus, one might say that the word 'mother' denotes 'a woman who is a parent',也可以说'母亲'意味connotes保护关爱等品德but connotes qualities such as 'protection' and 'affection.')

pitiful可怜或可鄙: 因为可怜(pathetic)让人感到同情,但也可表示既可怜又让人瞧不起,piteous可怜: 强调事物属性,即事物本身可怜而不是让人觉得可怜,pitiable可鄙: 几乎总是指让人瞧不起的可怜,尽管这种暗示可强可弱

记忆方法: 1)可怜的意思是让人可怜同情mean arousing or deserving pity or compassion.  compassion和pity同义都是同情,但更近一步,不但同情,还想去伸手帮助,如法官需要既秉持正义又富有同情judges should temper justice with compassion,老版新四最后一篇讲死刑存废问题,第一句是"尽管真相和正义是展现道德勇气的主要原因,但还有其他因素,同情就是其中之一",用的就是compassion is one of these,即不仅同情特定的死刑犯,还希望帮助他们使他们被宽大处理)

(5) 受害者
victim: basically applies to a living being killed as a sacrifice to a divinity, but in more general use it applies to one killed, injured, ruined, or badly treated either by a ruthless person or by an impersonal power that admits of no effective resistance: ~s of wars and disasters.   (ruth宽恕心软softening of heart,ruthless不宽恕的,如the ruthless enemy killed the old lady残忍的敌人杀害了那位老太太,如ruthless attack/criminals无情的攻击/残酷的罪犯)  (admit of 容许,有…的可能,如it admits of no doubt that....某事不容置疑,解释中是不能抵抗)

prey: basically applies to animals hunted or killed for food by other animals and is often extended to a victim of something suggestive of a rapacious predator: consumers who are easy ~ for advertisers.  rapacious形容非常饥饿,导致暴力狂抓食物吃)

quarry: basically applies to a victim of the chase and in more general use may apply to one pursued intensely as well as to one actually taken by the hunter or pursuer: the private investigator stalked her ~ relentlessly.   (chase追赶追逐,指速度快地跟在后边,试图捕捉或驱赶implies speed in following to catch or drive away,如chasing the boys out of the orchard将小孩赶出果园)   (pursue也是追赶追逐,更强调热切和不松懈,有时带有敌意to follow someone eagerly and persistently, sometimes with hostile intent,如pursued the bandits on foot徒步追赶土匪)

victim受害者牺牲: 本意是被宰杀献给神灵的牺牲,扩展为被杀害伤害恶劣对待又不能抵抗的人,prey被捕食的猎物: 本意是被捕食的动物,扩展为像饥饿捕食者牺牲品,quarry被追捕的猎物: 指被紧紧追捕的人或动物,或者实际被捕捉到

记忆方法: 1)受害人的意思是被杀害伤害的人mean one killed or injured for the ends of the one who kills or injures.